State Issues


  • MT SB 96 / LC 569 – Establish working animal protection act
  • NY A 107 – Establishes that animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing pain, stress, and fear; establishes an animal can be a victim of a crime.
  • NY A 862 – Relates to prohibiting the taking of zoo, petting zoo, carnival or circus animals
  • NY A 181 – Creates a task force on animal laws – As we have seen what has happened in Virginia, this would not bode well for the people and animals of NY
  • NY S 250 – Includes wildlife animals as those subject to the animal cruelty provisions
  • NY S 252 – Provides that “wild animal” means indigenous, non-domesticated animals native to the country in which they live and “exotic animal” means a wild animal with an origin of a different continent; adds certain wild or exotic animals to the list of non-companion animals; provides certain owners of wild or exotic animals with a license process.